Division: Natural Science and Math
Department: Chemistry
Course: CHEM 1010
Title: Introductory Chemistry
Description: This course introduces individuals to a variety of chemistry-related knowledge and experience and is designed to give non-majors a glimpse at chemistry and how it relates to the world around them. As a general education course, it relates chemistry to the real world experience and gives the student an opportunity to investigate chemical principles in their life. It gives the student a feeling for how scientists view problems and the systematic method by which they solve them. Discussion topics are chosen from physical, organic, and biological areas inside the chemistry field.
Section | CRN | Schedule | Instructor |
1010-N01 | 1320 | Taught Online | Hoff, Whitney S. |
1010-N02 | 1256 | Taught Online | Hoff, Whitney S. |
1010-1A1 | 1183 | TTH9:30 am-10:45 am | Dittli, Sannali |
1010-01S | 1092 | MWF11:30 am-12:20 pm | Breakall, Jared |
1010-001 | 2111 | TTH11:00 am-12:15 pm | Dittli, Sannali |
Section | CRN | Schedule | Instructor |
1010-N02 | 4738 | Taught Online | Hoff, Whitney S. |
1010-N01 | 4197 | Taught Online | Hoff, Whitney S. |
1010-01S | 4991 | MWF10:30 am-11:20 am | Breakall, Jared |
1010-001 | 4041 | MWF11:30 am-12:20 pm | Anderson, McKay |
1010-1F1 | 4042 | TTH9:30 am-10:45 am | Dittli, Sannali |
1010-002 | 6193 | MWF9:30 am-10:20 am | Dittli, Sannali |
1010-02S | 6194 | MWF2:30 pm-3:20 pm | Breakall, Jared |