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Resident Rights & Responsibilities

Listed below are the Rights and Responsibilities that all on-campus housing students are expected abide by while they live on-campus as stated in the housing contract. Please review each of these policies prior to moving into your on-campus housing apartment/room/suite. Click on a section title to expand the drop down box and review the content. 

If a resident vacates an assigned space and leaves personal possessions, all items will be considered abandoned and become the property of Snow College. All items left will be removed by campus staff at the resident’s expense and recycled or donated. This includes bicycles left outside Residence Halls and items within the halls/cages.

Snow College has a zero tolerance drug and alcohol policy. Any activity that violates state, federal or local law is prohibited at Snow College. This includes driving under the influence; the possessing or drinking of alcoholic beverages by minors; possessing, trafficking in, or misusing alcohol, any narcotic, any dangerous/unlawful drug, or any other substance controlled by local, state or federal law. This includes trafficking/use in any college building or on college grounds or elsewhere within the College Community, including on and off-campus housing. Sanctions could include fees, community service hours, mandatory drug/alcohol counseling/education/treatment, probation, suspension, expulsion and referral to civil authorities.

Students are not allowed to have any open heating elements within the residence halls. All appliances must have an automatic shut off. Neglecting appliances while in use is dangerous and therefore prohibited.

Due to the hazard of fire, the Office of Residence Life (ORL) has identified electrical appliances that will NOT be allowed in residence hall apartments, rooms, or suites:

  • Hot plates, space heaters, soup warmers, toaster ovens, bread makers, sandwich grills (including George Foreman grills, panini and quesadilla makers) and any appliances with an open heating element are prohibited. Also prohibited are any air conditioners, ceiling fans, extension cords, and halogen lamps.
  • Only UL approved multi-plug surge protectors with an integrated circuit breaker may be used.
  • All appliances should be covered under homeowner’s insurance policies. The Office of Residence Life (ORL) and Snow College are not responsible for damages incurred to students’ personal property. It is encouraged that all students obtain Renters Insurance or check their parents’ current policy to make sure their possessions are covered in case of loss/damage.
  • All electrical appliances are limited to no more than 840 watts
  • When leaving for any extended period of time (Thanksgiving, Fall, Winter or Spring Breaks) appliances should be unplugged and turned off. 
  • Wires should not be run under carpets or doors, or taped to the ceiling.
  • Mini Fridges are only allowed in rooms that the ORL has provided a college owned mini fridge. If there is a medical need for a mini fridge in a room without one, the student will be responsible for requesting ADA accommodations through the Disability Services-ADA Office ( 
  • Microwaves are only allowed in rooms in which the ORL has provided them in. 

Physical and/or verbal assault, sexual harassment, hazing, intimidation, coercion and/or any other behavior which threatens/endangers the health or safety of any Snow College student or staff/faculty or guests thereof. Any resident or guest there of endangering members of the residence life community or Snow College community is strictly prohibited.

Bicycles must be stored in outside bicycle racks at all times. Bicycles must not be attached to trees, railings, buildings, benches or anything other than the outdoor racks. If found in unauthorized locations, bicycles will be removed at the expense of the student. 

Bicycles may not be ridden in residence halls and the college will confiscate bicycles improperly placed in any student housing. Bicycles left on-campus over the summer may be considered abandoned property and will be removed by Snow College. Students are highly encouraged to register their bicycles with the Public Safety office in case of theft.

Any form of bullying is strictly prohibited within the residence halls, rooms, apartments or any other on-campus housing location as outlined in the Snow College Code of Conduct, Section 4 Student Responsibilities.

  • Communication either verbal, electronic, through social media or the like in a manner intending to cause harm
  • Threatening behavior in any form of communication
  • Seriously alarming a person through continual acts of disruptive behavior
  • Aggression either passive or forthcoming
  • Defamation of character
  • Physical aggression (see Assault section)

Student must cancel the Agreement by submitting written notice of the cancellation via the cancellation/departure notification located online and submitted to the Office of Residence Life prior to checking out. Student must arrange a checkout appointment with his/her Resident Assistant (RA), at least 24 hours prior to moving out. Failure to do so will result in an improper checkout fee of $150 and possible cleaning/repair fees. Student will be held responsible for any remaining contractual financial obligations based on cancellation deadline dates as listed in the contract cancellation section of their housing contract.

Cancellation received prior to August 1 for Fall Only and Academic Year housing contracts; December 1 for Spring Only housing contracts; April 1 for Summer housing contracts will result in forfeiture of the Application/Deposit fees.

Cancellation received after the cancellation deadlines will result in the Student owing 100% of his/her contract.

Notice of cancellation or withdrawal to any other Snow College office or official does not constitute notice of cancellation of the housing contract. A student must submit a Snow College Residence Life Cancellation/Departure form to officially cancel their housing contract.

A Student withdrawing due to loss of scholarship or financial aid during the Academic Year or at the end of Fall Semester will not void this agreement and that does not constitute notice of cancellation of the housing contract.

 It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand all aspects of Snow College's Code of Conduct.

Snow College, as owner and operator of Residence Life Buildings, reserves the right to control and monitor all portions of student housing to assure the safety of facilities and their occupants and to assure against the waste or misuse of our resources, programs or services. These areas may be under surveillance at any time. Public Safety officials have access to all housing facilities for the purpose of securing buildings and for any emergency response. As such, students and their guests should expect no right to privacy in any common areas.

Each student will pick-up his/her own trash in halls, lobbies, laundry rooms, etc. Damages in common areas will be assessed to all residents of the hall if specific perpetrators cannot be identified. Residents will be responsible for the upkeep of common areas by cleaning up after themselves after using lobbies, study rooms/areas, laundry rooms, community kitchens, etc. This may also include Residence Halls with public bathrooms.


  1. A student with a complaint should discuss the issue/problem with his/her RA. After receiving tips on how to talk with the roommate(s); the resident then addresses his/her concern directly with the roommate(s).
  2. The RA should then follow-up with the student to see if the problem remains. If necessary, a roommate meeting is held with all roommates and the RA. The roommate agreement should be revisited to negotiate a compromise.
  3. The RD will then follow-up and revise the roommate agreement if needed a second time.
  4. Only after the staff feels that the roommate(s) meeting process has been given a chance will changes in room assignments be considered. This recommendation must come to the Office of Residence Life from the Resident Director(s).
  5. Roommate switches/room changes will cost $50.00 for the first transfer unless requested by the Office of Residence Life to move for consolidation, maintenance, or emergency situations. Additional room changes will result in a $50.00 fee assessed to the student’s account.

The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to reassign and/or consolidate rooms in the interested of order, safety, health, discipline, disaster; best use of facilities for the good of the Residence Halls; or for unresolvable incompatibility of roommates. Students will be asked to move and given ample time for such changes if in the event a change is necessary.

Student(s) are responsible for any damage, even accidental damage, which the student or his/her guest(s) cause to on-campus housing property or the property of other residents/guests. Damages may include, but are not limited to:

  • Cooking fires
  • Setting off sprinkler system
  • Utilizing game equipment
  • Moving furniture
  • Using campus technology

Disruptive behavior is conduct, which significantly interferes with the educational process, the educational environment (including on and off-campus housing), or the administrative functions of the college. Whether a student’s conduct rises to the level of being disruptive is evaluated on the basis of the individual situation. Disruptive student conduct includes any behaviors or situations of a student that materially disrupts study, housing, or other normal activities of other student or staff of the college. Examples of such conduct include:

  • Intimidating, threatening, harassing or violent behavior
  • Abuse of college administrative processes or individual resources of other student or of college administrators.
  • Engaging in conduct or threatening to engage in conduct that may endanger the health, safety of any individual.
  • Physical acts, written statements, gestures, or expressions that communicate direct or indirect threats or harm.
  • Failure to follow medical or other professional advice with resultant need for intervention by others, including emergency medical personnel.
  • Threatening or attempting suicide or other bodily harm.
    (Snow College Code of Conduct)

Students may not possess, use, abuse, or distribute any illegal or controlled substances on college premises or within residence halls.

Violations of federal or state law or local ordinances will be reported to law enforcement authorities, regardless of whether such violations occur on campus grounds, college property, in local communities, or at college-sponsored activities. Any student charged with violating federal, state, or local laws will be subject to Snow College disciplinary action regardless of pending court action. Possession may include, but is not limited to:

  • Physical presence of drugs in an assigned residence hall room
  • Holding/Transporting drugs on Snow College property
  • Purchasing or procuring drugs and/or selling, giving or furnishing drugs to another person
  • Being under the influence of drugs
  • Physical presence of drug paraphernalia with or without drug residue, this includes the student, guests or within the confines of the assigned space
  • Growing or making of drugs
  • Odor or scent of drugs
  • ‘Borrowing’ also referred to as stealing drugs from another student and/or resident

Drug paraphernalia is strictly prohibited, see Paraphernalia policy.

A resident could face eviction for a violation of the Zero Tolerance Policy. A resident may also face eviction if he/she commits a number of violations at one time, or within a short timeframe. An evicted student will be given no less than 3 days to vacate the assigned room/building. Additional restriction and/or sanctions may apply. A resident facing eviction has the right to appeal to the Dean of Students, but such appeal must be submitted in writing within five calendar days of the eviction notice. A student evicted by Snow College Residence Life may face additional consequences with the Dean of Students or The Office of Residence Life. Students are given every opportunity to continue their educational pursuits. Causes for Eviction include, but are not limited to:

  • Failure to make payment
  • Less than 6 credits per semester
  • Non-enrollment
  • Violation of Housing Contract or Policies
  • Multiple Infractions
  • Title IX Sanction(s)
  • Code of Conduct Violation(s)

Fire Alarms –no student will activate any alarm or attempt to manipulate any electrical or mechanical device for the purpose of creating a false fire alarm. This includes covering, disarming, damaging and or tampering with alarms.

Failure to Evacuate –no student will disregard a fire alarm signal or refuse to evacuate a building or a section of a building where a fire alarm is sounding. Failure to evacuate may lead to financial sanctions and/or judicial charges.

Tampering with Fire Safety Equipment or Devices –no student will, without authorization, operate or tamper with any fire fighting equipment except for the purpose of extinguishing a fire. In addition, no student shall tamper with or otherwise misuse any fire detection or early warning device, emergency lighting, evacuation systems or emergency telephones.

Obstruction of Fire Evacuation Routes –fire safety regulations require that no loft bed, construction materials, boxes, trash, bicycles or other items be stored, even temporarily, in hallways or other public areas. Any act of purposefully preventing someone from swiftly and safely evacuating a building is prohibited. In addition, no student shall enter a building while a fire alarms is on.

Fireworks or Explosives –Possessing, storing, or using any fireworks, propane or explosives are strictly prohibited within the college community including on and off campus housing units.

Fire Sprinklers-Tampering, disarming or meddling with fire sprinklers is strictly prohibited and will be documented.

Open Flames- Any item that produces or utilizes an open flame (e.g. candles, lighters, incense, etc.) are strictly prohibited. 

Exiting a Building-All students are required to exit buildings when a fire alarm is on. 

Students may not bring personal furniture into the residence halls or assigned room. This includes but is not limited to beds, futons, arm chairs, couches, large bean bags, and any other large piece of furniture. Each apartment/suite/room is fully furnished. Furniture provided by the college should not be moved, stacked, or relocated unless authorized.

Students may not remove college equipment or furniture from its assigned apartment, room, suite, lounge or other areas within a residence hall. Unauthorized removal of furniture within a building or from one building to another will be considered misuse. Students may be subject to financial sanction if they are found misusing furniture. Other forms of misappropriation of furniture would be: stacking furniture, burning furniture, moving furniture out of a room, vandalism or any other misuse of furniture other than its purpose or intent.

Gambling in any form on campus and/or within the college community including on and off campus housing units or at any college-sponsored activities is prohibited.

For your protection, the residence halls remain locked 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You are responsible for any guest that you bring into a residence hall. This includes anyone that may follow you into the building. As a resident it is your responsibility to explain the rules and you are responsible for any damages your guest may cause.

A room adequately accommodates residents and a few of their guests. Overcrowding a room is a safety concern and is an issue of community welfare.

  • Visitation hours (times that guests are allowed in the residence halls) are as follows:
    • Sunday – Thursday: 10:00am – 12:00am
    • Friday and Saturday: 10:00am-2:00am

After these hours, visitors who do not live in the building/hall must leave. Additionally, any residents of the opposite sex must return to his/her designated area of the hall or to a central lobby outside of the residence hallways. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure your visitors are out of the building outside of visiting hours.

Overnight guests of the same sex or non-romantic interest are allowed (up to 3 nights) if the Office of Residence Life grants prior approval. Approval will require the signature of ALL roommates/apartment-mates. There is a fee of $10.00 per night per guest. Students will be charged $50.00 for any unapproved guests per night. Student must turn in an overnight guest request form to the Office of Residence Life at least 36 hours prior to guest arrival, during regular business hours (9am-5pm), for approval. We reserve the right to refuse overnight guests during busy times of the year.

  • Only guests of the same gender who are of a non-romantic interest are permitted to stay overnight in residence halls provided reasonable space is available and the roommate(s) do not object. Students must obtain roommate’s/apartmentmate’s permission before planning to have overnight guests and submit a Guest Visitation form to the Office of Residence Life no later than 36 hours in advance with payment.
  • Roommates must have full use of their own room at all times, and must give consent to overnight guests.
  • Guests may stay overnight in student bedrooms only. They may not sleep in common or public areas.
  • Hosts are responsible at all times for the activities and actions of their guests while they are visiting at the college. Should guests violate any residence hall or college policies, they may be required to leave. Damages attributed to the guest may be charged to the host.
    A resident host should accompany their guest at all times.

Co-ed Halls: 

  • Central lobby areas outside the residence hallways are for general use for both male and female residents anytime if living on-campus
  • This does NOT include other visitors outside of visiting hours
  • Sleepovers are NOT allowed in the lobbies or common areas unless approved by the Office of Residence Life for programming purposes

Quiet hours are in effect two hours before visitation hours end until visitation hours begin the following day. Residents are expected to comply with these hours and must keep noise to a minimum.

  • Quiet hours are as follows:
    • Sunday-Thursday: 10:00 PM - 10:00 AM
    • Friday-Saturday: 12:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Snow College, as owner and operator of student housing, reserves the right to control and monitor all portions of student housing to assure the safety of facilities and their occupants. Inspections of the common area are conducted to assure against the waste or misuse of our resources, programs or services. Within our buildings, common areas include but are not limited to entrances, lobbies, laundry rooms, study rooms, lounges and hallways. These areas may be under surveillance at anytime. Public Safety officials have access to all housing facilities for the purpose of securing buildings and for any emergency response. As such students, and their guests should expect no right to privacy in any common areas.

Residence Life, Facilities and Public Safety personnel can enter your room or apartment/suite for fire and safety inspections, maintenance, cleaning, inventory, emergencies, occupancy verifications and general repair. Cleaning inspections are held twice each semester. Our standards for inspections are as follows:

  • Vacuum your room(s) and haul trash to outside dumpster or garbage shoots
  • No trash in apartment/room/suite common areas, bathrooms, or bedrooms
  • Walls, countertops, appliances, bathrooms, and all surfaces are clean
  • Proper use of electrical appliances, surge protectors where required and NO daisy chained extension cords and/or surge protectors
  • Food waste should be disposed of properly. Do not dispose in bathroom sinks
  • Fridges should be clean and free of odors
  • No inappropriate or offensive materials posted in any manner
  • All personal items (clothing and all) should be properly stored
  • Floors should be clear of clutter with no tripping hazards, all exits should be accessible
  • Toilets, showers, and sinks should be clean and odor free.

All decorations used within the residence halls must be made of fire resistant materials. No live Christmas/Holiday trees or greenery are permitted in the rooms, lobbies or buildings. Holiday lights and/or candles are not to be used in the residence halls as decorations. At no point can decorations be hung from fire alarms, sprinklers or other safety devices within the rooms. Holiday decorations are to be removed before leaving for winter break. All exterior decorations in the residence hall building(s) will be left to the discretion of the residence hall staff. Residence Life staff will inspect rooms to ensure health and safety regulations are met and to ensure that decorations are safe and/or removed.

If you need help, contact the Computer Help Desk at 435-283-7331.

The Student Code of Conduct disciplinary procedures will be used in all cases of alleged student misconduct referred to the Vice President of Student Success. The social discipline system is established in accordance with the concept of due process. Due process, as used herein, consists of two parts. The first is that a student will know in advance what conduct is unacceptable and the consequences of such conduct. It requires rules and regulations of student behavior that are reasonable, clear and precise, clearly communicated, and fairly and consistently administered. The second part of due process means that a student will be given a statement of the charges against him/her and a fair opportunity to be heard and to present evidence before a decision is rendered.

Room Keys –A lock key replacement charge for a lost key is $50 and will be charged to the student’s account. The key must be paid for prior to a new key being issued to the student. Failure to turn in a key at the time of checkout will result in a lost key replacement fee of $50. 

Duplication of Keys: At no point should an issued key be duplicated. Duplicated keys without authorization will require the student/staff to pay for the entire re-coring and keys of the space.

Lockouts: A resident that is locked out three (3) or more times in a seven (7) day period will be assessed an excessive lockout fee of $50 and issued a new key if their key has been lost.

Students are not to admit unauthorized or uninvited persons into the residence halls at any time.

A student who enters or leaves the residence hall is responsible for securing their door. Propping or otherwise preventing any door from being completely secure is a serious safety violation. A resident should never give his/her key or keycard to another student to enter the building, use another student's meal plan, or enter a room.

Building Key Cards: Students will be required to have a Student ID card at all times to gain access to both his/her meal plan and residence hall. This card acts as identification, an activity card, building access, room access, and in some cases the meal plan card. Students may acquire his/her ID card through the Registrar’s Office located in the Greenwood Student Center. A student's ID card will need to be activated to work for the building the student has been assigned to live in as well as their meal plan (if they have one).

Key cards should only be used by the individual to whom the card is issued. Duplication of cards other than by the Office of Residence Life and Registrar’s Office is prohibited. Key card access will be renewed on a semester by semester basis.

Key cards that are stolen, lost, or damaged may be replaced at the Registrar’s Office upon payment of the replacement card cost to the Cashier’s Office. If a card is lost or stolen, the Student should notify the Office of Residence Life so that card access may be terminated for security purposes.

Any students that receive a temporary keycard and fail to return the keycard to the Office of Residence Life will be charged a $10 replacement keycard cost to his/her student account.

Laundry equipment is paid for through an inclusive fee in the student’s housing charges and is solely intended for the residents of each building. Use of laundry equipment by unauthorized guests an non-residents will be considered theft of service. Students should never leave laundry unattended and machines should never be overfilled as that can burn up the motor of the machine. Damage/theft of laundry is the sole responsibility of the student operating the laundry equipment.

Campus Services handles the maintenance of the residence halls. For maintenance repairs that are not caused by the student, please use the online maintenance request form. Students can submit this form online at . The student will need to explain in detail what needs to be repaired, the location and the student’s contract information. A Campus Services staff member will be sent to the student’s apartment, room to assist with the maintenance issue. Maintenance requests are monitored regularly and are handled on a priority basis. If maintenance that has been requested has not been completed after 7 days, students should contact the Office of Residence Life.

Every student who resides in on-campus housing shall have the option to identify a confidential individual, emergency contact, to be contacted within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing in accordance with the procedures outlined below. In the event the resident does not provide a "confidential" contact and/or until the information is received, the College will use the emergency contact provided in the Residence Life application. Only authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers in furtherance of a missing person investigation may have access to this information.

Reason for Policy 

In accordance with  Section 485 of the Higher Education Act (HEA), every institution of higher education that provides on-campus housing must provide a missing student notification policy for those students residing in on-campus housing. 

How to Report a Missing Student 

The organization or persons to which individuals should report a student as missing includes: Resident Directors, Resident Assistants, Office of Residence Life, Student Life Office,  Public Safety Office ,  Counseling and Wellness Center and the Office of Student Success.

Confidential Contact

In the application a confidential contact form is available for residents to complete. Students should return the completed form to the Office of Residence Life within the first week of arrival. A file will be kept in the office until the beginning of the next academic year when the forms will be shredded. Students can change the information on their form at any time by visiting the Office of Residence Life, or print the form and return it at your leisure. The new form will be placed in the file, and the old form will be destroyed.

Procedure for Determining if a Student is Missing 

If a student is reported missing to a Residence Life staff member, the staff member should be sure to obtain the reporting person’s name, relationship to the resident, and contact information where the reporting person can be reliably reached. The staff member should obtain local directory information about the missing student and immediately notify a Resident Assistant/Director and/or the Office of Residence Life. Residence Life staff will refer to the Reported Missing Student Checklist and contact the reporting person to obtain the additional information needed. If a credible threat to the well-being of the student reported as missing is verified Snow College Public Safety will be called for assistance and a full report submitted to supervisory staff. The Resident Assistants, under the direction of the Resident Director, should then proceed to contact known student friends/relationships, beginning with roommates. The Resident Assistant should also use direct and indirect methods of leaving messages for the student to make contact immediately. The purpose at this point is to determine if the student is truly missing or has simply failed to make the desired contact with the reporting person. If the student is located or is determined not to be missing, the student should be advised to contact the reporting person. The Resident Director may also contact the reporting person and relay that the student is not missing and has been asked to contact the reporting person.
If pursuing known contacts has not yielded confirmation that the student is not missing, the Office of Residence Life may invoke one or more of the following measures may to determine recent activity by the student reported as missing:

  • Building card access report
  • Meal plan utilization
  • Mailbox activity
  • Class attendance
  • In-plain-sight examination of room to see signs of recent use or planned departure

If the results of these activity measures suggest that the student is indeed missing and unaccounted for, the Office of Residence Life will immediately notify Public Safety Officers and request a full law enforcement investigation. All information obtained about the missing student through the Office of Residence Life investigation should be shared with Public Safety and/or law enforcement representatives. The Chief of Public Safety is responsible for notification of the missing student’s identified confidential contact if the student has been missing for 24 hours. If the student is under 18 years of age and not an emancipated individual (by court order, no longer under the control or responsibility of parents), the custodial parent or guardian shall be contacted immediately.

Procedure for Notification of Missing Student 

If Public Safety Officers determine that a student for whom a missing person report has been filed has been missing for 24 hours, then within the next 24 hours, they must:

  • Notify the individual identified by the student to be contacted in this circumstance,
  • If the student is under 18 years old, notify a custodial parent/guardian and any other designated contact person, and
  • Notify law enforcement networks

The above procedures do not preclude College officials from making a determination that a student is missing before the student has been missing for a full 24 hours or initiating notification procedures as soon as it determines that the student is missing.

Noise that is sustained must not be audible to other students living within the residence hall rooms, hallways, lounges, or public areas in which may cause disturbance. Instruments or amplifiers producing an excessive volume are prohibited within the residence halls. Exceptions may only be made in the LLC for Fine Arts Students, as a practice room is available for instrumental use. No amplified sound is permitted outside the residence halls without the permission of the Office of Residence Life.

Specific Hours

  • Quiet Hours are between
    • 10pm-10am Sunday-Thursday
    • 12am-10am Friday-Saturday
  • 24 Hour Quiet Hours are in effect for Finals Weeks

Alcohol beverage containers of all types are prohibited within the residence halls. This includes but is not limited to: shot glasses, beer bongs, empty beer cans, liquor bottles, beer bottles, kegs, and growlers. This includes any containers re-purposed for decorative purpose. In addition any items deemed useful for purpose of recreational drugs such as, but is not limited to; bongs, pipes, scales and e-cigs are also prohibited. Any visual advertisements for drinking and drugs should not be visible to the public, displayed in rooms where residents may be uncomfortable or viewable from windows and doors to public areas. Students are not allowed to play ‘pong’ within the lobbies of residence halls regardless of content being used in glasses.

Students living on-campus are not allowed to park on College Avenue between the hours of 10:00pm-7:00am. Parking is free on campus and lots for each building can be found directly behind each building. Students should utilize the parking lots for their vehicles (i.e. motorcycles, mopeds, scooters, cars, SUVs, trucks, etc.).

A Student must pay the specified application fee, deposit fee, housing charges, and meal plan when due. Students must be on a payment plan or have his/her student account paid in full, including tuition, fees, housing and any other Snow College expenses before the end of the 5th day of each semester. Students that fail to be paid or on a payment plan will be dropped from classes by the Snow College Business Office.

Students are responsible to contact the campus Business Office and the Office of Residence Life prior to these payment deadlines to resolve any issues or concerns related to payment on time of tuition, fees or housing charges.

A Student may personalize his/her residence hall room to the extent that it does not damage property, furniture, walls or other college property. Students are not at liberty to repaint their room, remove furniture from their room or residence hall, nor are they allowed to bring prohibited items. Students are also not allowed to bring additional furniture such as: futons, couches, sofa chairs or large furniture into their room.

Students are only allowed to stick items on his/her walls if the use of sticky tack or painter’s tape is used. Command strips may be used at the student's own risk. Students cannot use nails, tacks or any other hole-producing objects. All decorations should be temporary in nature so as to not permanently deface or damage any of the room’s natural features.

The keeping or presence of pets in residence halls is strictly prohibited. The only exception is fish in aquariums (maximum one 10 gallon aquarium or equivalent per room). The keeping of unauthorized pets will result in a $200.00 fee and immediate removal of the animal by the resident. Possession, care or harboring of an animal, except fish, is prohibited in any residence hall or adjacent grounds. Visitors are not exempt from this regulation.

Students with a documented need for a service animal/emotional support animal must coordinate with our campus ADA Coordinator at least 7 days in advance to allow us to reasonably accommodate. 

Students may not bring the following items into the residence halls under any circumstances:

  • Candles
  • Cinderblocks
  • Electric Heater/Personal AC units
  • Explosives, Firearms and other weapons
  • Fuels/Hazardous Chemicals
  • Open Heating Elements/Hot Plates/Toaster Ovens/Electric Woks/Griddles/Panini Makers/Quesadilla Makers/Waffle Irons
  • Refrigerators/Microwaves (unless supplied in the assign space/or ADA accommodations are made)
  • Wireless Routers/Internet Switches
  • Pets
  • Alcohol or Drug and/or Paraphernalia
  • Hover boards
  • (See Appliances)
  • Bikes within the residence halls
  1. All entry ways, exit ways, foyers & fire exits areas must be kept free and clear of any obstructions.
  2. Campus Publicity may not remain up for more than 2 weeks.
  3. Nothing may be posted on-campus building doors, building furniture or in campus bathrooms.
  4. Publicity cannot be hung or leaned on any campus building (this includes the Bell Tower). (Exception: large posters/signs may be hung no the northwest corner of the Lucy Philips Building. This needs to be scheduled with the Campus Services office through a work order online. Sign size needs to be: 18ft X 16.5ft. When used tables in the Bell Tower area, please fold them and place them “under” the stairwell just inside the southwest GSC doors. Signs cannot be left overnight.)
  5. A-Frames must be placed only in designated zones.
  6. When staking any publicity materials in the ground stakes must be 24” away from any sidewalk edge and cannot penetrate the lawn any more than 6” in the ground. Plastic caps must be used to over the top(s) of the stake(s). Re-bar may not be used.
  7. Publicity may not be placed in the Heritage Plaza or the lawn or shrubbery/bark area surrounding the Plaza and Huntsman Library.
  8. Posters placed on sidewalks or other walkways must be laminated in order to protect them from wet weather conditions and must be affixed with clear packing tape. You may not use duct tape to secure posters to the sidewalk.
    [You may contact Campus Services to use their laminator if needed-435-283-7220]
  9. Advertisements are not allowed on the fence surrounding the football field without prior permission from Campus Services. Limited space is available, position will be limited to specific spots and vinyl banners must be professionally designed.
  10. NO hanging signs, posters, etc. on any campus trees, statues, monuments or other artwork.
  11. All publicity (flyers, posters, etc.) posted in appropriate places (ie: bulletin boards) in campus buildings must be pre-approved by the Student Life office with the official “publicity paw” stamp on it. For other advertisements/publicity within a campus building, you must contact the supervisor of that building to gain prior approval.
  12. You may not tape to glass, wood, finished surfaces, walls, pillars or trim in any campus building. Only blue painter’s tape is allowed. All tape needs to be taken down completely after the event. Contact Student Life to obtain blue painter’s tape or large clamps that can be used to attach to a railing or beam [435-283-7121]
  13. Sidewalk chalk is for sidewalks only and must be at least 100ft. from building entrances.
  14. Window painting is NOT allowed without prior authorization from the Campus Services office. [435-283-7220]
  15. No spray paint of any kind may be used on campus grounds. This includes, but is not limited to grass and snow.
  16. Snow College Dining Services and Catering is the sole provider of ALL food for any campus event or publicity. [You may contact them at 435-283-7274]
  17. All fire and safety codes and laws must be followed and adhered to completely. Open flames are not permitted and you may not use: live wood (such as pine trees or boughs), burning candles or lamps, hay, straw or pyrotechnics.
  18. To publicize in on-campus housing:
    • All advertisements must be stamped in the Office of Residence Life and documented in the Publicity Binder.
    • All advertisements must be counted out per building and the Office of Residence Life will distribute the advertisements out into each building every Thursday.
  19. To publicize in off-campus housing . . . please contact the individual apartment managers.
  20. No fog machines may be used in any campus building without prior approval from the Snow College Campus Services office.
  21. For all other publicity and/or unusual types of advertising on campus (i.e. animals, tents, trucks/vehicles, large machinery, equipment, etc.) please contact the Campus Services Office [Leslee Cook ( ude.wons@kooc.eelsel) or 435-283-7221].

Students are required to pay a $50 Application fee and a  $150 Deposit fee. By doing so, the student agrees to occupy the room assigned and to leave the room in a clean original condition. The $50 applicaiton fee is non-refundable and $100 of the Deposit is refundable upon the completion of the student's contract.

The application/deposit fees are for securing a space within the residence halls and guarantees the student will take occupancy of the room.

A $5 programming fee is billed each semester. These funds are utilized for student events, activities and amenity requests from the students. This fee cannot be refunded regardless of cancellation.

Students are not allowed on roofs, ledges, or elevated balconies of residence halls. Students may not sit in or hang objects or persons out of open windows. The deliberate removal of screens from any residence hall window or any damage to the screen is also prohibited.

Students will be charged a $75 screen replacement fee for any screens that are damaged/removed.

The only balconies with access should be those in the Suites at Academy Square. Students should not sit or hang objects or persons off the balconies. Students should only have access to those balconies when permitted by the Office of Residence Life.

All residents upon moving into college housing and moving out must complete a Room Condition Report (RCR) form. Residents are required to sign the checkout portion of the form upon exiting his/her assigned room to avoid an improper checkout fee.

  • Room Assignments will not be changed prior to the fall opening of school or during the first three (3) weeks of the fall semester and second week of the spring semester unless authorized by the Office of Residence Life. 
  • After the fourth week, each student is expected to reside in his/her assigned room for the remainder of the semester. If problems arise and a student no longer feels that he/she can live in their current room assignment, that student should contact his/her RA to go over any concerns.   
  • Roommate conflicts are the most common consideration for room changes. A resident with roommate issues is expected to go through a roommate mediation process with his/her RA before the Office of Residence Life considers a room change.
  • A resident cannot change rooms without approval from the Office of Residence Life. Any move without approval is subject to judicial action and possible financial sanctions.  The resident may also be asked to move back to his/her original room.
  • Room changes cannot be made from a more expensive housing option to a less expensive room option after billing has been assessed to the student’s account.

All room and hall changes must be requested by the student and in writing to the Office of Residence Life.

If a student intends on moving during the academic year after the first three weeks of the semester, the student must submit a Room Change Request Form to the Office of Residence Life. These forms will not be accepted until after the first three weeks in the semester, if their request is approved, a $50.00 fee will be assessed unless the Office of Residence Life originated the change. If continual changes in room assignment occur due to the student’s behavior or requests, the student’s charge may be doubled.

An e-mail is sent to all current students with information regarding application openings. All new students are emailed with the same information after the first priority week of application opening. Students interested in on-campus housing, log into the online application portal and complete the application, select a room and pay a Reservation/Application fee. Upon completing the process students are able to log into their housing application to communicate with roommates and to also check the status of his/her room. Students that have a reserved booking will be emailed their placement letter in May. Those that are tentative status will be emailed asking to make payment of their Reservation/Application fee to retain their room selection, failure to do so by the specified timeline will result in the room being made available to new applicants.

Non-cooking room assignments come with a Meal Plan requirement. See the Snow College Housing Price Guide page for details. 

On-campus housing does not provide the option to sell contracts. Students seeking to eliminate his/her contract must cancel the contract by submitting a Cancellation/Departure form and following the Cancellation Policy.

A “service animal” is an animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. These tasks include but not limited to: guiding individuals with impaired vision; alerting individuals who are hearing impaired to intruders or sound; providing minimal protection or rescue work; pulling a wheelchair; or fetching dropped items.

A “therapy/emotional support animal” is an animal selected to play an integral part of a person’s treatment process that demonstrates a good temperament and reliable, predictable behavior. A therapy/emotional support animal is prescribed to an individual with a disability by a health care or mental health professional. A therapy/emotional support animal does not assist a person with a disability with activities of daily living, nor does it accompany a person with a disability at all times. However, a therapy/emotionally support animal may be incorporated into a treatment process to assist in alleviating the symptoms of that individual’s disability. This treatment occurs within the person’s residence and therefore may be considered for access to college housing.

Service Animals in Training: Individuals who desire an accommodation for a service animal in training must demonstrate that there is a proper training plan designed to work for the benefit of an individual with a disability. They must also abide by all relevant provisions of this policy. An animal being trained to be a service animal has all the same rights as a fully trained animal when accompanied by a trainer and identified as such.

All service and therapy/emotional support animals must be approved through the ADA Coordinator’s Office prior to arrival onto Snow College’s campus. The animal must have all vaccinations, licensing and training prior to acceptance. A service and therapy/emotional support animal may be removed from Snow College facilities including Residence Life if the animal demonstrates disruptive behavior, poor health or uncleanliness. Owners of service or therapy/emotional support animals are solely responsible for any damages to persons or property caused by their animal.

Smoking is not permitted in any residence hall room, wing or floor. Students must go outside the building to smoke and stay away from doors and windows (25 feet from any building). Smoking is not permitted in courtyard areas/front or side porches, as smoke is too close to resident rooms. Smoking in campus buildings violates the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act, as well as rules and regulations governing college facilities and is prohibited. On-campus housing does not permit the use of Vapor Modules and E-Cigarettes and this form of smoking still must be done 25 feet away from any building.

As per the Residence Life Contract, the student’s room or apartment or suite shall not be used for commercial purposes including attempting to solicit residents or others for commercial purposes.  Those violating this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and fines.

The Snow College Residence Life Buildings are secure buildings.  All visitors must be accompanied by a resident at all times.  Commercial and non-commercial solicitations and distributions by non-residents, whether accompanied or unaccompanied, are prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to, solicitation for sales of products, services, employment and housing contracts, and noncommercial solicitations. Any resident found soliciting, or found to be an agent in solicitation by a visitor, will be charged the appropriate disciplinary fee and placed on probation.

Visitors are allowed in the buildings only at the invitation of a resident and must conduct their business only with the inviting resident. The resident will be responsible for, and held accountable for, the actions of any guest(s). Guests in the building who approach others for solicitation or distribution of items or information will be asked to leave the building immediately.

Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring accommodations, academic adjustments, or auxiliary aids should contact the Accessibility Resource Center in the Greenwood Student Center The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator at the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of appropriate services and aids.

Students must initiate the request for special housing accommodations. 

Residents may not play any type of sport within the residence hall or in the immediate areas surrounding the building. This includes, but is not limited to, bouncing, throwing, hitting, or kicking balls or other objects, which would be considered potentially disruptive or destructive to persons or facilities. Free weights in excess of 10 pounds are also prohibited. This includes play or real fighting or casually bouncing basketballs in stairwells, hallways, or rooms.

Hoverboards are not to be stored, charged or rode in the residence halls. 

E-Scooters are not to be rode inside any building. E-Scooters must be folded and carried while inside the residence halls. Students caught riding an e-scooter in the biulding will be reported and charged a $25 fee for damage to carpet/flooring.

Any student/resident who is found to be in violation of college policy may receive disciplinary sanctions and/or be referred to the Code of Conduct Office. Sanctions for housing may include dismissal, eviction, and/or room transfer.

Students being accused, suspected and/or found stalking will be reported to the Title IX office for investigation.

Students are responsible for placing trash in trash chutes or in a dumpster located outside. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action and/or charges. Trash is not to be placed in recycle bins. 

Students and their guests will be held responsible for theft or damage/vandalism to college property, residence halls, or property of students, faculty, staff or guests on campus or anywhere within the college community including on and off campus housing units. Such behavior is prohibited. Bills for the cost of repair will be sent to the responsible individual(s). This includes extra housekeeping services required for the removal of blood-borne pathogens (vomit, blood, bodily fluids, etc.) or acts of vandalism.

Refunds- students seeking refunds should call the number on the vending machine.

Service and Repairs- when any vending machine becomes inoperable or needs to be restocked, an “out of order” sign should be placed on the machine. The vending telephone numbers are located either on the side or the front of the machine, and the vending service should be called directly for those concerns.

Vandalism –cases involving vandalism of vending machines should be reported on a residence hall Incident Report form. In addition, the vending company and Public Safety should be notified.

NOTE –any student or staff member can contact the vending services (# on vending machine) directly to report repairs or loss of money.

Use, possession or unauthorized storage of any weapon on College premises, in College housing, or at College-sponsored activities is prohibited by law and by Residence Life policy. Dangerous weapons are any item capable of causing death or serious bodily injury or a facsimile or representation of the item and include firearms (see qualification below), explosives, fireworks, nun-chucks, air rifles, air pistols, knives, BB guns, bow and arrows, dart guns, paint guns, slingshots, axes or hatchets, metal stars for throwing, blow guns, pipes, chains, ammunition, gun powder and "look-a-like" weapons. With regard to firearms (pistols, revolver, shotgun, short barreled shotgun, rifle or short barreled rifle, or a device that could be used as a dangerous weapon from which is expelled a projectile by action of an explosive), use, possession or storage is also prohibited except as specifically authorized by statute. 

Student mail is not delivered to each building, so all students must set-up Mail Slot ( with Mail Services located in the Greenwood Student Center. This service is complimentary and can be used at any time throughout the Academic Year if the student is registered for classes. However, these are the physical address of the buildings: 

Anderson Hall 135 E 100 S
Castilleja Hall 160 N 100 E
Cottages 150 Center Street
Greenwood Hall 140 Center Street
Mary Nielson Hall 165 E 100 N
Nuttall Hall 75 S 100 E
Snow Hall 171 E 100 N
Suites 131 E College Avenue


UPDATED: 9/12/2023